Email Discussion List


The Media Ecology Association is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the study, research, criticism, and application of media ecology in educational, industry, political, civic, social, cultural, and artistic contexts, and the open exchange of ideas, information, and research among the Association’s members and the larger community.

The Media Ecology Association owns and administers the MEA email discussion list for the benefit of our organization, its members, and the media ecology community. As such, it serves multiple functions that the MEA prioritizes as follows:

  1. Outreach and dissemination of information regarding MEA events, publications, and activities to the media ecology community.
  2. Dissemination of information of interest to media ecologists regarding non-MEA events, publications, job openings, etc.
  3. Conversation among members and friends of the Media Ecology Association. The MEA list is a space for reasoned, informed, and civil discussion about communication, media, and culture among persons interested in themes or subjects relevant to the field of media ecology. Subscribers use this list to ask questions, share views, exchange information, and learn about interesting events related to media ecology.

Subscriber Guidelines

  • By subscribing to this list you agree to abide by all conditions of participation established by the list managers, and as varied from time to time at their sole discretion.
  • Contributors to this list are solely and entirely responsible for their messages, particularly with regard to any information and data that may be exchanged.
  • Contributions to the list are moderated, and only list subscribers are permitted to post. Only subscribers are allowed to view the subscribers list and the message archives.

Participant Guidelines

To protect this valuable and historic channel of communication, and properly manage this online environment, the MEA has decided that it needs to be moderated. A duly appointed committee will evaluate posts in a timely fashion to ensure that they are appropriate in content and tone for this list. Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the field of media ecology. In some instances, the relevance may be obvious, for example when posting about one of the core media ecology scholars. In all other instances, it is incumbent on the contributor to clearly explain how the post relates to the field, and this especially true when the main point of the post is to share a link.

  2. Tone of the post. Participants are expected to conform to normal standards of civilized discussion. This does not rule out heated debate — but it does rule out submissions which are personally abusive, insulting, or otherwise qualify as flaming or spamming. Messages that may be construed or interpreted as discriminatory, promulgating hatred or obscenity, or defamation of any kind will not be tolerated.

  3. Frequency of posting. Excessive posting can be disruptive to the list and abusive to subscribers.

The list managers are responsible for ensuring that these guidelines are observed. They reserve the right to take whatever measures are required to ensure these guidelines are respected by participants. Such measures include, but are not limited to, removing from the list those who do not abide by these guidelines.

Moderation questions may be sent to our current Internet Officer via our Contact Us page.

Subscribing to the List

To subscribe to the MEA discussion list, visit and click “Subscribe” on the left.

Your subscription request will be sent to the list administrator for approval. If your request is approved, and if your email address looks like it belongs to a person and not a spam bot it likely will be, you should receive a subscription acknowledgment shortly thereafter containing additional information.

Once you’ve subscribed to the MEA email discussion list following this procedure, you can send messages to the entire list by sending an email to

If you encounter any issues trying to subscribe, please contact us.

Other Information

Problems or questions related to list subscriptions? Contact us.

Archives of the MEA discussion list, November 1, 2003–Present, are available to subscribers.

Last updated Feb 1, 2024

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