McLuhan Discussion List

McLuhan Discussion List

Dating back to the early 1990s, its origins now lost to the ephemeralities of electronic communications, an email discussion list was established, dedicated to discourse based on the work of Marshall McLuhan. The late Peter Montgomery, one of McLuhan’s former students, inherited the list from George Sanderson, and set up a website with resources on McLuhan to accompany the list. When the list and site was forced to move from its original server, the Media Ecology Association was asked if the resources could be hosted on the MEA’s website. The MEA’s mission being to promote the field of media ecology, and McLuhan’s work being a very important part of the field, the MEA agreed, and the resources can be found here, on the MEA’s old website (hosted by Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico), in their original format. This archive is maintained for its historical value as well as its continued educational utility. As for the discussion list, it was taken over by the University of Toronto, but overtaken by trolls and fringe elements that forced Peter Montgomery to create a new, successor discussion list on the same host used by the MEA,, which can be joined only by invitation or with permission.

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