Past Awards

The Marshall McLuhan Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Laura Trujillo Liñan for Formal Cause in Marshall McLuhan’s Thinking: An Aristotelian Perspective
  • 2022 - Craig Robertson for The Filing Cabinet: A Vertical History of Information
  • 2021 - B.W. Powe and Marshall Soules for The Charge in the Global Membrane
  • 2020 - Tiffany Shlain for 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week 
  • 2019 - Mark A. McCutcheon for The Medium is the Monster: Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology
  • 2018 - Lance Strate for Media Ecology: An Approach to Understanding the Human Condition
  • 2017 - Tim Wu for The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads
  • 2016 - Elena Lamberti for McLuhan’s Mosaic: Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies
  • 2015 - Fred Turner for The Democratic Surround: Multimedia and American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties
  • 2014 - John Miles Foley for Oral Tradition and the Internet: Pathways of the Mind
  • 2013 - Ellen Rose for On Reflection: An Essay on Technology, Education, and the Status of Thought in the Twenty-First Century
  • 2012 - Barbie Zelizer for About to Die: How News Images Move the Public
  • 2011 - Sheila Nayar for Cinematically Speaking: The Orality-Literacy Paradigm for Visual Narrative
  • 2010 - Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age
  • 2009 - Rick Williams and Julianne Newton for Visual Communication: Integrating Media, Art, and Science
  • 2008 - Richard Barbrook for Imaginary Futures: From Thinking Machines to the Global Village
  • 2007 - Peter K. Fallon for Printing, Literacy, and Education in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: Why the Irish Speak English
  • 2006 - Thomas de Zengotita for Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and the Way You Live in It
  • 2005 - Donald N. Wood for The Unraveling of the West: The Rise of Postmodernism and the Decline of Democracy
  • 2004 - Francis Fukuyama for Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution
  • 2003 - Frederick Wasser for Veni, Vidi, Video: The Hollywood Empire and the VCR
  • 2002 - Douglas Rushkoff for Coercion: Why We Listen to What “They” Say
  • 2001 - Thomas J. Farrell for Walter Ong’s Contributions to Cultural Studies: The Phenomenology of the Word and I-Thou Communication
  • 2000 - Neil Postman for Building a Bridge to the Eighteenth Century: How the Past Can Improve Our Future

The Walter Benjamin Award for Outstanding Article in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Austin Hestdalen for “The Kind of Problem a Smart City Is”
  • 2022 - Jaqueline McLeod Rogers for “Susanne Langer, Marshall McLuhan and Media Ecology: Feminist Principles in Humanist Projects”
  • 2021 - Justin C. Tackett for “‘I heard his silver Call’: Emily Dickinson and the Poetry of Telegraphic Acoustics”
  • 2020 - Laureano Ralón for “From Global Village to Global Theater: The Late McLuhan as a Philosopher of Difference, Sense, and Multiplicities”
  • 2019 - Nicholas Grodsky, Julia Hildebrand, and Ernest Hakanen for “Screens as Human and Non-Human Artefacts: Expanding the McLuhans’ Tetrad”
  • 2018 - Ellen Rose for “A Genealogy of Computer-Generated Narrative”
  • 2017 - Brett Lunceford for “Chained to the Dialer, or Frederick Taylor Reaches out and Touches Someone”
  • 2016 - Casey Lum for “Media Ecology: Contexts, Concepts and Currents”
  • 2015 - David Trippet for “Facing Digital Realities: Where Media Do Not Mix”
  • 2014 - Brett Lunceford for “Posthuman Visions: Creating the Technologized Body”
  • 2013 - Mara Mills for “Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization”
  • 2012 - James C. Morrison for “Acoustic, Visual, and Aural Space: The Quest for Virtual Reality in Musical Reproduction”
  • 2011 - Keith N. Hampton for “Internet Use and the Concentration of Disadvantage: Glocalization and the Urban Underclass”
  • 2010 - Brenton J. Malin for “Mediating Emotion: Technology, Social Science, and Emotion in the Payne Fund Motion-Picture Studies”
  • 2009 - Thomas J. Bruneau for “Time, Change, and Sociocultural Communication: A Chronemic Perspective”
  • 2008 - Robert MacDougall for “Identity, Electronic Ethos, and Blogs: A Technologic Analysis of Symbolic Exchange on the New News Medium”
  • 2007 - Corey Anton for “Playing with Bateson: Denotation, Logical Types, and Analog and Digital Communication”
  • 2006 - Edward Wachtel for “Did Picasso and Da Vinci, Newton and Einstein, The Bushman and the Englishman See the Same Thing When They Faced the East at Dawn? Or, Some Lessons I Learned From Marshall McLuhan About Perception, Time, Space, and the Order of the World”
  • 2005 - Sheila J. Nayar for “Invisible Representation: The Oral Contours of a National Popular Cinema”
  • 2004 - Susan B. Barnes for “The Development of Graphical User Interfaces and Their Influence on the Future of Human-Computer Interaction”
  • 2003 - Alan Randolph Kluver for “The Logic of New Media in International Affairs”
  • 2002 - Erik P. Bucy and Kimberly S. Gregson for “Media Participation: A Legitimizing Mechanism of Mass Democracy”
  • 2001 - Pablo J. Boczkowski for “Mutual Shaping of Users and Technologies in a National Virtual Community”
  • 2000 - Walter J. Ong, S.J. for “Digitization Ancient and Modern: Beginnings of Writing and Today’s Computers”

The Erving Goffman Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Social Interaction

  • 2023 - Stephanie Bennett for Silence, Civility, and Sanity: Hope for Humanity in a Digital Age and Eva Berger for Context Blindness: Digital Technology and the Next Stage of Human Evolution
  • 2022 - Kate Eichhorn for The End of Forgetting: Growing Up with Social Media
  • 2021 - Larry Busbea for The Responsive Environment: Design, Aesthetics, and the Human in the 1970s; and Deborah Eicher-Catt for Recovering the Voice in Our Techno-Social World
  • 2020 - Mark Kingwell for Wish I Were Here: Boredom and the Interface
  • 2019 - Laura Tropp for Grandparents in a Digital Age: The Third Act
  • 2018 - Jessica Fishman for Death Makes the News: How the Media Censor and Display the Dead
  • 2017 - Gary T. Marx for Windows Into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology
  • 2016 - David J. Alworth for Site Reading: Fiction, Art, Social Form
  • 2015 - danah boyd for It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens
  • 2014 - Susan Barnes for Social Networks: From Text to Video
  • 2013 - Valerie V. Peterson for Sex, Ethics and Communication: A Humanist Approach to Conversations on Intimacy
  • 2012 - Corey Anton for Sources of Significance: Worldly Rejuvenation and Neo-Stoic Heroism
  • 2011 - Richard S. Hallam for Virtual Selves, Real Persons: A Dialogue Across Disciplines
  • 2010 - Kenneth J. Gergen for Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community
  • 2009 - Rich Ling for New Tech, New Times: How Mobile Communication is Reshaping Social Cohesion
  • 2008 - Paul Mason Fotsch for Watching the Traffic Go By: Transportation and Isolation in Urban America
  • 2007 - Richard A. Lanham for The Economics of Attention: Style and Substance in the Age of Information
  • 2006 - David Berreby for Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind
  • 2005 - Aaron Ben Ze’ev for Love Online: Emotions on the Internet
  • 2004 - Corey Anton for Selfhood and Authenticity

The Susanne K. Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Symbolic Form

  • 2023 - Adeena Karasick for Massaging the Medium: Seven Pechakuchas
  • 2022 - Corey Anton for How Non-Being Haunts Being: On Possibilities, Morality, and Death Acceptance
  • 2021 - Robert Albrecht and Carmine Tabone for The Arts and Play as Educational Media in the Digital Age
  • 2020 - Yoni Van Den Eede for The Beauty of Detours: A Batesonian Philosophy of Technology
  • 2019 - Eviatar Zerubavel for Taken for Granted: The Remarkable Power of the Unremarkable
  • 2018 - Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites for The Public Image: Photography and Civic Spectatorship
  • 2017 - Katherine Biers for Virtual Modernism: Writing and Technology in the Progressive Era
  • 2016 - Jeff Scheible for Digital Shift: The Cultural Logic of Punctuation
  • 2015 - Michael Serazio for Your Ad Here: The Cool Sell of Guerrilla Marketing
  • 2014 - Brian Lennon for In Babel’s Shadow: Multilingual Literatures, Monolingual States
  • 2013 - David Bellos for Is that a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything
  • 2012 - Whitney Davis for A General Theory of Visual Culture
  • 2011 - Linda G. Elson for Paradox Lost: A cross-Contextual Definition of Levels of Abstraction
  • 2010 - Michael Wurtz for Enduring Words: Literary Narrative in a Chnaging Media Ecology
  • 2009 - Karin Barber for The Anthropology of Texts, Persons and Publics: Oral and Written Culture in Africa and Beyond
  • 2008 - Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites for No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy
  • 2007 - Martin H. Levinson for Sensible Thinking for Turbulent Times
  • 2006 - Guy Deutscher for The Unfolding of Language: An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind’s Greatest Invention
  • 2005 - Heike Wiese for Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind
  • 2004 - Susan Sontag for Regarding the Pain of Others
  • 2003 - N. Katherine Hayles for Writing Machines
  • 2002 - Kevin G. Barnhurst and John Nerone for The Form of News: A History
  • 2001 - Raymond Gozzi, Jr. for The Power of Metaphor in the Age of Electronic Media
  • 2000 - Robert K. Logan for The Sixth Language: Learning a Living in the Internet Age

The Dorothy Lee Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Culture

  • 2023 - Andrew Conte for Death of the Daily News: How Citizen Gatekeepers Can Save Local Journalism
  • 2022 - Allissa V. Richardson for Bearing Witness While Black: African-Americans, Smartphones, and the New Protest #Journalism
  • 2021 - Daniel Belgrad for The Culture of Feedback: Ecological Thinking in 70s America
  • 2020 - Maggie Jackson for Distracted: Reclaiming Our Focus in a World of Lost Attention
  • 2019 - Shannon Mattern for Code and Clay, Data and Dirt: Five Thousand Years of Urban Media
  • 2018 - Tom Mole for What the Victorians Made of Romanticism: Material Artifacts, Cultural Practices and Reception History
  • 2017 - Alex Marland for Brand Command: Canadian Politics and Democracy in the Age of Message Control
  • 2016 - Caroline Levine for Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network
  • 2015 - Dariusz Jemielniak for Common Knowledge?: An Ethnography of Wikipedia
  • 2014 - Kate Marshall for Corridor: Media Architectures in American Fiction
  • 2013 - Peter Lunefeld for The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading: Tales of the Computer as a Culture Machine
  • 2012 - Sara van den Berg and Thomas M. Walsh for Language, Culture, and Identity: The Legacy of Walter J. Ong
  • 2011 - Lisa Brooks for The Common Pot: The Recovery of Native Space in the Northeast
  • 2010 - Diego Gambetta for Codes of the Underworld: How Criminals Communicate
  • 2009 - Tom Boellstorff for Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human
  • 2008 - Paul Rutherford for A World Made Sexy: Freud to Madonna
  • 2007 - David MacDougall for The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography, and the Senses
  • 2006 - Charlton D. McIlwain for When Death Goes Pop: Death, Media and the Remaking of Community
  • 2005 - Robert Albrecht for Mediating the Muse: A Communications Approach to Music, Media and Cultural Change
  • 2004 - Thomas L. Friedman for Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World After September 11
  • 2003 - Nancy A. Walker for Shaping Our Mothers’ World: American Women’s Magazines
  • 2002 - Susan B. Barnes for Online Connections: Internet Interpersonal Relationships and Stuart Biegel for Beyond Our Control? Confronting the Limits of Our Legal System in the Age of Cyberspace

The Lewis Mumford Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Technics

  • 2023 - Paul Roquet for The Immersive Enclosure: Virtual Reality in Japan
  • 2022 - Paolo Galluzzi for The Italian Renaissance of Machines
  • 2021 - Jaqueline McLeod Rogers for McLuhan’s Techno-Sensorium City: Coming to Our Senses in a Programmed Environment
  • 2020 - Clifford G. Christians for Media Ethics and Global Justice in the Digital Age
  • 2019 - Antoine Bousquet for The Eye of War: Military Perception from the Telescope to the Drone
  • 2018 - Thomas S. Mullaney for The Chinese Typewriter: A History
  • 2017 - Wendy Hui Kyong Chun for Updating to Remain the Same: Habitual New Media
  • 2016 - Karen Rader and Victoria Cain for Life on Display: Revolutionizing U.S. Museums of Science and Natural History in the Twentieth Century
  • 2015 - Brenton Malin for Feeling Mediated: A History of Media Technology and Emotion in America
  • 2014 - Brett Robinson for Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs
  • 2013 - Janet Sternberg for Misbehavior in Cyber Places: The Regulation of Online Conduct in Virtual Communities on the Internet
  • 2012 - Braden R. Allenby and Daniel Sarewitz for The Techno-Human Condition
  • 2011 - Marco Adria for Technology and Nationalism
  • 2010 - Peter K. Fallon for The Metaphysics of Media: Towards an End of Postmodern Cynicism and the Construction of a Virtuous Reality
  • 2009 - Yvonne Spielmann for Video: The Reflexive Medium
  • 2008 - Steve Dixon for Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation
  • 2007 - Timothy C. Campbell for Wireless Writing in the Age of Marconi & to Fred Turner for From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism
  • 2006 - Casey Man Kong Lum for Perspectives on Culture, Technology and Communication: The Media Ecology Tradition
  • 2005 - Margaret Cassidy for Bookends: The Changing Media Environment of American Classrooms
  • 2004 - Scott Eastham for Biotech Time-Bomb: How Genetic Engineering Could Irreversably Change Our World
  • 2003 - Emily Thompson for The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900-1933
  • 2002 - Jack Lule for Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism
  • 2001 - Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin for Remediation: Understanding New Media
  • 2000 - Paul Levinson for Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium

The Harold A. Innis Award for Outstanding Thesis or Dissertation in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Graeme Flett for Media Ecology, Congregational Life, and Christian Identity
  • 2022 - Andrew Jon Longcore for Camping Out in the Uncanny Valley: Symbolic Inversion in Animated Sitcoms
  • 2021 - Richard S. Lewis for Relating Through Our Selves: Situating Media Literacy with Intersubjective Mediation
  • 2020 - Julia M. Hildebrand for Consumer Drones as Mobile Media: A Technographic Study of Seeing, Moving, and Being (with) Drones
  • 2019 - Melinda L. Farrington for The Role for Rhetoric: Ong’s Ramus Research as a Hermeneutic Opening for Mediated Communication
  • 2018 - Julie A. Cramer Hunsberger for Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Marshall McLuhan and Communication Ethics: The Taming of Americanitis
  • 2017 - David Benjamin Landes for The Attention Situation: A Rhetorical Theory of Attention for Mediated Communication
  • 2016 - David James Paterno for Technology Translated: The Communicational Facilitation of Medium
  • 2015 - No Award This Year
  • 2014 - Helio César Hintze for Espetáculos e Invisibilidades do Discurso Legitimador do Turismo [Spectacles and Invisibilities of Legitimizing Discourse of Tourism]
  • 2013 - Yoni Van Den Eede for Amor Technologiae: Marshall McLuhan as a Philosopher of Technology: Steps Toward a Philosophy of Human-Media Relationships
  • 2012 - Macello Santos de Medeiros for O Lugar Na Comunicação: Um Estudo Sobre a Comunicação Locativa em Zonas Bluetooth
  • 2011 - Joseph A. Kim for Marshall McLuhan’s Theological Anthropology
  • 2010 - Mogens Olesen for Survival of the Mediated: Speech, The Printing Press, and the Internet as Selection Mechanisms in Cultural Evolution
  • 2009 - Catherine Alison Adams for PowerPoint and the Pedagogy of Digital Media Technology
  • 2008 - Stephanie Bennett for The Disappearance of Silence: A Dialectical Exploration of the Interpersonal Implications of Personal Mobile Media as Viewed through the Lens of Jacques Ellul’s La Technique
  • 2007 - Adriana Braga for Feminilidade Mediada por Computador: Interação Social no Circuito-Blogue [Computer-Mediated Femininity: Social Interaction on the Blog Circuit]
  • 2006 - Susan Jacobson for Scrapbook of the Chinese Cultural Revolution: Hypertext and the Representation of History
  • 2005 - Mary Ann Allison for Gecyberschaft: A Theoretical Model for the Analysis of Emerging Electronic Communities
  • 2004 - Brian Cogan for Wired Worlds: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of the Personal Computer and the Internet
  • 2003 - Keith Hampton for Living the Wired Life in the Wired Suburb: Netville, Glocalization and Civil Society
  • 2002 - Janet Sternberg for Misbehavior in Cyber Places: The Regulation of Online Conduct in Virtual Communities on the Internet
  • 2001 - Lori Ramos for Self-Initiated Writing Practices and Conceptions of Writing Among Young Urban Adolescents
  • 2000 - Donna Flayhan for Marxism, Medium Theory, and American Cultural Studies: The Question of Determination

The Mary Shelley Award for Outstanding Fictional Work

  • 2023 - Paul Levinson for “It’s Real Life” (short story and radio play)
  • 2022 - William Jefferson (author) and Sue Zizza (director) for Presence: The Play (audio adaptation)
  • 2021 - Ted Chiang for Exhalation
  • 2020 - Bill Bly for We Descend, Volume Two, New Selected Writings from Archives Pertaining to Egderus Scriptuor
  • 2019 - Malka Older for Infomocracy
  • 2018 - No Award This Year
  • 2017 - Natasha Stagg for Surveys: A Novel
  • 2016 - Ernest Cline for Ready Player One
  • 2015 - David Eggers for The Circle
  • 2014 - No Award This Year
  • 2013 - Robin Sloan for Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
  • 2012 - Shumeet Baluja for The Silicon Jungle & Robert K. Blechman for Executive Severance
  • 2011 - Chuck Wachtel for 3/03
  • 2010 - Steve Tomasula for TOC: A New Media Novel
  • 2009 - Geraldine Brooks for People of the Book
  • 2008 - Jean-Claude Carrière for Please, Mr. Einstein
  • 2007 - Janna Levin for A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines
  • 2006 - Rick Moody for The Diviners
  • 2005 - John G. McDaid for “Keyboard Practice, Consisting of an Aria with Diverse Variations for the Harpsichord with Two Manuals”
  • 2004 - William Gibson for Pattern Recognition
  • 2003 - Paul Levinson for The Consciousness Plague

The John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Jenna Ng and Oliver Tomkins for The New Virtuality: A Creative Website on Disappearing Media Boundaries (online multimedia work)
  • 2022 - David Sington (Director) for The First Alphabet: How Writing Changed the World (video documentary)
  • 2021 - John McDaid for Trails of Mars (audio recording)
  • 2020 - Thom Gencarelli for Mistral (audio recording featuring musical composition and performance by bluerace)
  • 2019 - Julia Hildebrand and Barry Vacker, creators/curators, for “Hot and Cool in the Media(s)cene: A McLuhan Style Art and Theory Project”
  • 2018 - Ergin Safak Dikman for New Media Ecology: An Interactive Timeline for Mapping the Communication Environment
  • 2017 - Lawrence Azerrad, Tim Daly and David Pescovitz for Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition
  • 2016 - Eugene Marlow for "Zikkaron/Kristallnacht: A Family Story"
  • 2015 - Alex Kuskis
  • 2014 - David Cayley
  • 2013 - Laureano Ralon for the Figure/Ground website
  • 2012 - Robert Albrecht for Song of the Poet (musical composition on CD)
  • 2011 - Nora Bateson for An Ecology of Mind (documentary film)
  • 2010 - Barry Vacker for Space Times Square (video)
  • 2009 - Peter C. Rollins for The Benjamin Lee Whorf Legacy (CD-ROM)
  • 2008 - Eric Goodman for Thus Spoke the Spectacle (videos and website)
  • 2007 - Michael Wesch for The Machine is Us/ing Us (video on
  • 2006 - Deiren Masterson for McLuhan Way: In Search of Truth (video documentary)
  • 2005 - Toni Urbano and NYU-TV Productions for A Conversation with Neil Postman (video documentary)
  • 2004 - John Bishop and Harald Prins for Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me! (documentary film; DVD distributed by Media Generation)
  • 2003 - Kevin McMahon for McLuhan’s Wake (video documentary produced by Primitive Entertainment and the National Film Board of Canada)
  • 2002 - William Bly and John McDaid for Media Ecology Unplugged (audio music recording, available on CD and as downloadable MP3 files at
  • 2001 - Douglas Rushkoff for The Merchants of Cool (television documentary produced for the PBS program Frontline, initially aired February 26, 2001)
  • 2000 - Jerome Agel for The Medium Is the Massage (audio CD and book)

The Louis Forsdale Award for Outstanding Educator in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Erik Garrett
  • 2022 - Adriana Braga
  • 2021 - Ellen Rose
  • 2020 - Peter Costello
  • 2019 - Thomas Gencarelli
  • 2018 - Dennis Cali
  • 2017 - Stephanie Gibson
  • 2016 - Valerie V. Peterson
  • 2015 - Fernando Gutierrez
  • 2014 - Casey Lum
  • 2013 - Clifford Christians
  • 2012 - Janet Sternberg
  • 2011 - Alex Kuskis
  • 2010 - Salvatore J. Fallica
  • 2009 - Bruce E. Gronbeck
  • 2008 - Lee Thayer
  • 2007 - Octavio Islas
  • 2006 - Terence P. Moran
  • 2005 - Frank E. X. Dance
  • 2004 - Gary Gumpert
  • 2003 - James W. Carey
  • 2002 - Edmund Carpenter
  • 2001 - Joshua Meyrowitz
  • 2000 - Christine L. Nystrom

The Jacques Ellul Award for Outstanding Media Ecology Activism

  • 2023 - Michelle Shocked
  • 2022 - Roberto Mangabeira Unger
  • 2021 -  Joshua Meyrowitz
  • 2020 - Simi Linton
  • 2019 - Andrew McLuhan for The McLuhan Institute
  • 2018 - Pope Francis
  • 2017 - Senator Bernie Sanders
  • 2016 - Rosi Braidotti
  • 2015 - Noam Chomsky
  • 2014 - David Gill
  • 2013 - Aaron Swartz
  • 2012 - Scott Harrison and charity: water
  • 2011 - Lisa Prins
  • 2010 - Eric Goodman and Mike Stevens
  • 2009 - Mark Lipton
  • 2008 - Margot Hardenbergh
  • 2007 - Donna Flayhan
  • 2006 - Andrew Rasiej
  • 2005 - Jerry Brown
  • 2004 - The Reverend Everett C. Parker
  • 2003 - Ronald J. Deibert
  • 2002 - Parry Aftab
  • 2001 - Dennis Gallagher
  • 2000 - Stephanie B. Gibson

The James W. Carey Award for Outstanding Media Ecology Journalism

  • 2023 - Farhad Manjoo
  • 2022 - Patricia Campos Mello
  • 2021 - Kara Swisher
  • 2020 - Ken Auletta
  • 2019 - Mathew Ingram
  • 2018 - Dan Kennedy
  • 2017 - Kevin Kelly
  • 2016 - Luca De Biase
  • 2015 - Thomas Friedman
  • 2014 - Megan Garber of The Atlantic
  • 2013 - David Pogue
  • 2012 - David Carr
  • 2011 - David Hendy
  • 2010 - Eugene Marlow
  • 2009 - Thomas de Zengotita
  • 2008 - Marvin Kitman
  • 2007 - Philip Marchand

The Christine L. Nystrom Award for Career Achievement in Service to the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Michael Plugh
  • 2022 - Margaret Cassidy
  • 2021 - Stephanie Gibson
  • 2020 - Martin H. Levinson
  • 2019 - Fernando Gutiérrez Cortés
  • 2018 - Sara van den Berg
  • 2017 - Paul Soukup
  • 2016 - Paul Grosswiler
  • 2015 - Janet Sternberg
  • 2014 - James Morrison
  • 2013 - Thomas Gencarelli
  • 2012 - Terence P. Moran
  • 2011 - Robert Barry Francos

The Edmund S. Carpenter Award for Career Achievement in Editing in the Field of Media Ecology

  • 2023 - Carolyn Wiebe and Susan Maushart
  • 2022 - Fernando I. Gutiérrez and Octavio Islas
  • 2021 - Corey Anton
  • 2020 - Judith Yaross Lee
  • 2019 - Phil Rose
  • 2018 - Paul Grosswiler
  • 2017 - Edward Tywoniak
  • 2016 - Carlos Scolari
  • 2015 - Susan Drucker
  • 2014 - Eric McLuhan
  • 2013 - Gary Gumpert
  • 2012 - Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup

The Walter J. Ong Award for Career Achievement in Scholarship

  • 2023 - Michael S. Schudson
  • 2022 - Paul Soukup
  • 2021 - David R. Olson
  • 2020 - Maryanne Wolf
  • 2019 - Werner Kelber
  • 2018 - Susan Drucker
  • 2017 - Paul Heyer
  • 2016 - Luciano Floridi
  • 2015 - Johanna Drucker
  • 2014 - René Girard
  • 2013 - Lance Strate
  • 2012 - Sherry Turkle
  • 2011 - Robert K. Logan
  • 2010 - Don Ihde
  • 2009 - John Miles Foley
  • 2008 - Joshua Meyrowitz
  • 2007 - Jay David Bolter
  • 2006 - Elizabeth L. Eisenstein
  • 2005 - James W. Carey
  • 2004 - Denise Schmandt-Besserat

The Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity

  • 2023 - Richard Sennett
  • 2022 - Tiffany Shlain
  • 2021 - Naomi Klein
  • 2020 - Jay Rosen
  • 2019 - Nora Bateson
  • 2018 - Renee Hobbs
  • 2017 - Scott McCloud
  • 2016 - Bruce Sterling
  • 2015 - Nicholas Carr
  • 2014 - Ronald J. Deibert
  • 2013 - Morris Berman
  • 2012 - Jaron Lanier
  • 2011 - Gary Gumpert
  • 2010 - Mary Catherine Bateson
  • 2009 - Alan Kay
  • 2008 - Fritjof Capra
  • 2007 - Eric McLuhan
  • 2006 - Howard Rheingold
  • 2005 - Paul Levinson
  • 2004 - Douglas Rushkoff

The MEA Convention Top Paper Award

  • 2023 - Mindaugas Briedis (Universidad Panamericana, Ciudad de México México) and Mariano Navarro (Universidad Panamericana, Ciudad de México México) for “Enactive Approach to Social Interactions in Artistic Media Ecologies: D. Rivera’s Case”
  • 2022 - Cosette Castro (Fundação Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/Brasil e Instituto Lula) for “Estudo Comparativo Sobre Inclusão Digital Entre Ativistas Com Vulnerabilidade Social e Lideranças de Movimentos Sociais Organizados no Brasil”
  • 2021 - Fred Cheyunski for “Dealing with Dystopia: Freire’s Gnostic Cycle and Media Ecology in a Post Pandemic World” and Frank Sligo for “Dystopic Pasts: Technological Adaptation in Literacy Transitions Among 19th Century New Zealand Māori”
  • 2020 - Barry Liss for “The Zossima Principle as an Axiomatic Ideal for Media Ecology Praxis”
  • 2019 - Bernadette Bowen for “The Role of Sassy Socialist Memes in Leftbook”
  • 2018 - Barry Liss for “Hot Media, Technological Transformation and the Plague of Dark Emotions: Viktor Frankl and the Recovery of Meaning”
  • 2017 - Dennis Cali for “Sacramental View of McLuhan, Ong, and Carey”
  • 2016 - Paul Soukup for “Everyone’s Searching for a Savior: Film, Television, Theology, and Media Ecology”
  • 2015 - Heather Crandall and Carolyn Cunningham for “Media Ecology and Hashtag Activism”.
  • 2014 - Kevin Healey for “Coercion, Consent, and the Struggle for Social Media”
  • 2013 - Brett Lunceford for “Telepresence and the Ethics of Digital Cheating”
  • 2012 - Eric Jenkins for “Updating Narcissus, the Ur-Myth of Media, for the Digital Age”
  • 2011 - Eric Jenkins for “Another Punctum”
  • 2010 - Claudia Springer for “Watch the Birdie: Image-Making and Wildlife Conservation”
  • 2009 - Matthew A. Killmeier for “Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Disembodiment, Media, and Innis and Carey”
  • 2008 - Stephanie Bennett for “The City’s Curse; The Church’s Plight: Technology, Communication and the Sacred”
  • 2007 - Anne Pym for “Orality, Secondary Orality, and the Presence of the Word”
  • 2006 - Davis Foulger for “Medium as an Ecology of Genres: Integrating Media Theory and Genre Theory” and Peter A. Maresco and Cheryl A. Casey for “Stories in Stone, Stories on Screen: An Examination of Increased Personalization of Cemetery Memorials”
  • 2005 - Ellen Rose for “The Wiring of Bhutan: A Test Case for Media Ecology in the Non-Western World”
  • 2004 - Kip Redick for “Theme Parks as Sacred Places and Commercial Sanctuaries”
  • 2003 - Arthur W. Hunt, III for “The Image Versus the Word: Old Story, New Twist: A Lament from a Christian Media Ecologist”

The Linda Elson Scholar Award for the Top Student Paper at the MEA Convention

  • 2023 - Desislava Stoeva (St. John’s University) for “‘I Am Big. It’s the Pictures That Got Small’: A Look at Sunset Boulevard Through Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of Hot and Cool Media and Personalities”
  • 2022 - Marina Michelis (PUC-Rio) for “Tupi or Not Tupi, That Is the Question of the Media: Contributions of Amerindian Thought for a Media Ecology Research Agenda”
  • 2021 - Jadna Rodrigues Barbosa for "Godllywood: A Digital Pedagogy for the Evangelical Woman"
  • 2020 - Steven Hicks for “Solace in Sound: Glenn Gould’s Electronic Solitude”
  • 2019 - Austin Hestdalen for “Understanding the Medium of Exchange”
  • 2018 - Matt Lindia for “Colon. Hyphen. Closed Parenthesis. Formal Causes of Figure and Ground in Punctuation”
  • 2017 - Joni McBeth Turville for “If Email Could Speak, What Would It Say? Interviewing Objects in a Digital World”
  • 2016 - Bryan Picciotta for “From the Ground to the Clouds: Minimalist and Maximalist Footwear in the Sport of Running”
  • 2015 - Kate Drazner Hoyt for “The Visual Effect of the Hashtag”
  • 2014 - Mike Plugh for “The Global Village: Globalization and Media Ecology”
  • 2013 - Helma Sawatzky for “Reconfigurations: Unfolding the Spaces of Mobile Listening”
  • 2012 - Angela M. Cirucci for “First Person Paparazzi: Why Social Media Should Be Studied More Like Video Games”
  • 2011 - Helma Sawatsky for “Anemone Theory: An Exploration of Digital Media as Phenomena”
  • 2010 - J. N. Beckham for “Food and Drink: Engaging the Logics of New Mediation”
  • 2009 - Jason Kalin for “Toward a Rhetoric of Hybrid-Space Walking”
  • 2008 - Phil Rose for “René Girard as Media Ecologist”
  • 2007 - Xiaoyan Xiang for “Walling-In and Walling Out”
  • 2006 - David Parisi for “Fingerbombing or ‘Touching Is Good’: The Cultural Construction of Technologized Touch”
  • 2005 - Cuthbert Alexander for “Community Journalism: Hope for a Society Without Heroes” and Michael T. Zimmer for “Media Ecology and Value Sensitive Design: A Combined Approach to Understanding the Biases of Media Technology”
  • 2004 - Megan Rogers for “Taoism, Media Ecology, and the Reason the West Just Can’t ‘Dig it’”
  • 2003 - Lisa Hanson for “PRO-ANA, a Culture Remediated in Cyberspace”

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