The Twenty-First Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association

2020 MEA Convention Logo

June 17–20, 2020
Hosted by Adelphi University

April 2020 COVID-19 Update — Click to Read More

Dear MEA members, community and friends,

We are sending our wishes for health during this difficult time with the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

In light of this uncertain global situation, and after thorough review and careful consideration, the Executive Board of the MEA has decided to transform the upcoming 2020 Convention into an online event.

The theme of the 2020 convention is “Communication Choices and Challenges.” Moving our annual convention online is our choice, coherent with the mission of our association to study complex communication systems as environments. Making this annual convention a meaningful and successful event is going to be an exciting challenge for everyone involved. We believe this is a unique opportunity we can embrace together as a community.

As per the above determination, we made the following arrangements:

  • Our 2020 online convention will take place over the same week the Garden City event was scheduled, beginning one day early, thus from Wednesday June 17 to Saturday June 20, 2020.

  • Using a videoconferencing platform, our plans for an online convention include a mixed format, synchronous and asynchronous (live and recorded sessions, with live discussions), both for plenaries and for thematic panels. However, we encourage synchronous sessions that best allow for interaction, while reserving asynchronous sessions for anyone unable to participate synchronously.

  • A Subcommittee has been convened to provide the necessary support to organize the online convention, with Peggy Cassidy as Chair.

  • All online convention activities, panels, plenaries, and events will be accessible to all registrants. After the event, archives will be fully accessible to MEA members only.

  • We are reducing the convention registration fees accordingly to reflect the reviewed format. More information will be announced in the coming weeks as we consider platforms and various other costs. Those who already paid for the annual convention can ask for a refund. However, we invite those members to donate that portion of their sustaining or institutional membership fees in support of the Association this year.

Finally, and most importantly, we decided to reopen submissions for additional presenters, from April 13 until April 26. Please submit paper and panel proposals, in English, by April 26, 2020 to

Thank you in advance for your patience, understanding, and support as we work to create a re-imagined, innovative online convention experience.

We will be posting more information in the coming weeks. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you to bring our first online convention to life.

Stay safe, stay well. We miss your faces and hope to see you online soon!

Paolo Granata, President
Peggy Cassidy, Annual Convention Coordinator
on behalf of the Executive Board of the Media Ecology Association


Media Ecology is a discipline whose history, perspectives, and scholarly interests incorporate a broad array of academic and professional disciplines focusing on “the study of complex communication systems as environments” (Christine Nystrom, 1973). Every year, the MEA convention provides a unique opportunity for academics and professionals to come together in a relaxed and collegial environment that encourages conversation and creativity.

The theme of the 2020 convention is “Communication Choices and Challenges.” In every act of communication, people make choices. We choose where, when, and how to express ourselves or locate and use information. We choose the medium that seems best suited to the task: are we trying to reach the largest possible audience, get the word out quickly, or ensure that our message reaches future generations? Do we wish to convey a deep sense of intimacy, empathy, authority, or cool distance? Are we looking for information from a wide variety of perspectives, confirmation of what we already believe, or the deepest possible exploration of an issue?

Featured Speakers

Featured speakers: Rosen and Wolf

Featured speakers at the 2020 convention include Jay Rosen — media critic and author of, What Are Journalists For?, as well as countless articles and essays on American journalism — and Maryanne Wolf — international advocate for children and literacy and author of Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain (2007), Dyslexia, Fluency, and the Brain (2001), Tales of Literacy for the 21st Century (2016), and Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World (2018).

Convention at a Glance

Click on the session you wish to join and, when prompted, enter the password that has been emailed to you. See “Convention Details” below for more.

All times are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), UTC/GMT −4 hours

👉 Tweet the convention using the hashtag #MEA2020 👈

Convention Details

To download a PDF of the full program with detailed panel and participant information, click the button below:

 Full program 

Please note: this program is subject to minor updates. For the latest, please check this page, which will always contain the most recent information.

This year, for the first time, the MEA’s annual convention will be held virtually via Zoom. Participants and attendees are encouraged to download the latest version of the app and familiarize themselves with its features in advance, such as screen sharing, which we plan to allow in the concurrent panel rooms so participants can share presentations, videos, etc.

All panels with take place in “meeting rooms” (i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4), while plenaries and special sessions will take place in meeting rooms or be broadcast as webinars. The links to these meeting rooms and webinars are in the at-a-glance schedule above. Click on the session you wish to join. Each session has its own Zoom link. Note: You will need a password to join the meeting rooms and webinars.

The passwords will be emailed to everyone who has registered for the convention so make sure you’re registered (see below) and check the email you used to register for an email from the Media Ecology Association with the subject line “MEA Convention: Day X password for panels” where X is the day of the convention. In some cases, this email might get routed to your “spam” or “junk” mail folder, so be sure to check there if you don’t see it. There will be a single password for all sessions on a given day.

If you have issues or questions, we recommend first reaching out to your panel chair (who, if you’re presenting, should haved emailed you) before contacting the convention coordinator at You can also try reaching out to us via our Contact Us page, or on Facebook or Twitter.

Registrants will be able to attend any session they like, even move between sessions. We ask, however, that everyone practice good “Zoom etiquette” and be cognizant of the presentations and conversations happening in each meeting room, just as you would if attending a face-to-face convention. Participants and attendees can help minimize disruptions by joining sessions before they start with their microphones, as well as perhaps their video, turned off. This can be done by updating your settings on the Zoom app. Just don’t forget to unmute yourself before speaking!

If your torn between attending two panels, know that this year, in another MEA first, registrants will have access to video recordings of all the sessions for a limited period of time after the convention. That way, for instance, you can choose to attend one panel live and watch a recording of the other one(s) you were interested in later. Information about these recordings has been emailed to all convention registrants.

The MEA encourages all presenters to present synchronously (i.e., live in the designated meeting room at the designated time), but if for some reason you would like to present asynchronously, please let your panel chair or our convention coordinator know.

Womxn, Language, Technology Virtual Exhibit


We have reduced this year’s convention registration fees to reflect the online format:

        • Student members: $10
        • Regular members: $25
        • Non-member students: $25
        • Non-member registration: $50

Students may be asked to provide valid student IDs.

Registration deadline for participants: May 20, 2020
Registration deadline for attendees: June 17, 2020

Register now!

Convention registration entitles you to attend all convention panels, plenaries, and special sessions. All prices are listed in U.S. dollars. Sustaining and Institutional members don’t have to pay for the convention again, though they still must register for it separately above. Those who paid traditional registration prices earlier this year can ask for a refund. However, we invite those members to donate that portion of their membership fees in support of the Association this year.

All convention participants and attendees are encouraged to join the MEA.

Any payment questions should be directed to our treasurer Paul Soukup at or +1 (408) 554-4022.

Last updated June 20, 2020. Please check back for further updates.

To view the original call for papers for this convention, click here.

Convention-related questions? Contact convention coordinator Peggy Cassidy at General questions? Contact us.

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